Ricardo Rodríguez Jorge, PhD
Research Scientist
Department of Information and communications technologies

Ceit Research Center /“Researching Today, Creating the Future”
Donosti, Spain
Institutional website:portalcientifico.unav.edu/ investigadores/1113189/detalle
Reseach group: Data Analysis and Information Management Group
Research visit. Institution: National Technologic of Mexico / Technological Institute of Ciudad Victoria.
(July 1st – July 31th 2022)

Visiting Professor
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
(Dec 2016 -January 2017)

Research visit
Tohoku University, Japan (May- Jul 2011)


I welcome my colleagues and fellow academics to this web site. If you would like to discuss any of my published work, please feel free to contact me. My professional interests are mainly in Biomedical Engineering, Adaptive control systems, Wastewater treatment, Cybersecurity and Auto-scaling in Network function virtualization and my work today has been focused on signal processing and machine learning to bridge innovative ways in these areas.
I am always looking for industrial and academic collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact me for project collaborations. For more information about my current running projects please visit Research projects.
Institute web page:  Data Analysis and Information Management Group
Call for papers: https://www.rodriguezricardo.net/rodriguezjorgericardo/
Courses: https://www.rodriguezricardo.net/rodriguezjorgericardo/
Research Interest Group: Mechatronics,  Signal Processing, Control and Artificial Neural Networks
Contact Information: E-mail: rrodriguezj@ceit.es, Telephone: +34 943 212 800 / Ext. 2940, Office: 011, Skype: rodriguezri,  Mobile phone:

Ricardo Rodríguez Jorge received his Ph.D. from the Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 2012. He is a Research Scientist in the Department of Information and communications technologies, at the Technological Centre Ceit/“Researching Today, Creating the Future”. In addition, He is a collaborator professor at Tecnun-University of Navarra. His research interests mainly focus on time series prediction, signal processing, artificial neural networks, adaptive control systems, Cybersecurity, Medical informatics, Extended Kalman filter, Algebraic Differential equations, Computational fluid dynamics, pattern recognition, mechatronics, and artificial intelligence. He serves on several peer-reviewed international journal Editorial Boards like International Journal DYNA published by DYNA Engineering Industry (Master Journal List). He has participated as visiting professor and performed research visits at research centers from Japan, the Czech Republic, and Mexico. During his research visits, he has developed applications in Computer Vision, Intelligent prediction methods, pattern recognition, and optimization areas.
He has (co-)authored more than 50 book chapters, journal and international conference papers. Dr. Rodríguez has been keynote speaker in national and international conferences, as well as he gave many invited talks. Currently, his research papers are referenced by other research works all over the world. His research papers have earned several awards in countries like the Czech Republic, Poland, and Mexico, in Automatic Control and Computer Science fields. In 2017 Dr. Rodríguez served as General Chair of the Eight International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2017) that was held in Mexico. Dr. Rodriguez annually organizes two workshops in fields of Signal Processing, intelligent computing, measurements, and Machine Learning, which take place in different countries, and participant papers are published by Springer Nature. Currently, Dr. Rodriguez is the Editor-in-Chief and founder of the International Journal DSPAIAL published by DLINE editorial. In addition, Dr. Rodriguez’s projects have been funded by National and International agencies from countries like Mexico and the Czech Republic. He has been the corresponding researcher of the projects that have received significant funding for supporting his research projects in the area of Medical Informatics. Dr. Rodriguez has received several awards from the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico for being a higher education lecturer with a desirable profile and for being incorporated into a Consolidated Research Group.









Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Title and Certificate of P
hD in Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Control and Systems Engineering
Thesis entitled: “Lung tumor motion prediction by neural Networks”

May 28th - Jul 28th 2011Tohoku_logo Visiting student for a research project (scientific research)
Research centre: Research Division on Advanced Information Technology. Cyberscience center.
(Graduate School of Eng. &Graduate School of Biomedical Eng.)
Host: Dr. Noriyasu Homma- Professor. Yoshizawa-Homma laboratory
Project: Intelligent Prediction Method of Lung Tumor Motion for Highly Accurate Radiation Therapy.
Address: Sendai, Japan.
2005- 2007





Department of Computer Sciences   

Title and Certificate of Master in Computer Science

Field of study: Artificial Intelligence. AVERAGE: 96.33
Thesis entitled: "Validation and Verification Automatic Module of Extracted Rules of a Neural
-Symbolic Hybrid System"





Department of Computer and Systems

Title and Certificate of Computational Systems Engineer 
Field of study:
Distributed systems and networks. AVERAGE 94.28
Internship project: "Exploitation of Resources of a CMU Camera for its Started up on a ROMIC Robot"

Jun 28th-Aug 31th 2004ININ_logo Visiting student for a research project (Summer of the scientific research)
Institution: National Institute of Nuclear RESEARCH (ININ)
Department: Applied sciences
Host: Dr. Armando Segovia - Researcher
Project: “Exploitation of Resources of a CMU Camera for its Started up on a ROMIC Robot”.
Address: Ocoyoacac, Mexico.


     VUB Ambassador in the Big Data area: awarded as VUB Ambassador in the Big Data area bound to the study field 9.2.9 Applied Informatics at the Institute of Informatics and Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, which took place on 8.8.2019
   Desirable profile recognition (2017-2020): awarded as a higher education Lecturer with desirable profile by the Undersecretariat for Higher Education, General Management of University Higher Education, PRODEP-DSA from SEP (Ministry of Public Education), Mexico.
      Academic body: UACJ-CA-75 Mechatronics awarded as Consolidated research group (CAC) by the Undersecretariat for Higher Education, General Management of University Higher Education, PRODEP-DSA from SEP (Ministry of Public Education), Mexico.
Desirable profile recognition (2014-2017): awarded as a higher education Lecturer with desirable profile by the Undersecretariat for Higher Education, General Management of University Higher Education PRODEP from SEP (Ministry of Public Education), Mexico.
     Best paper award in the field of Computer Sciences, with the paper: “Preparation and integration of population data in the data mining process: a case of study”, in the 6th International Conference on Research, CIPITECH 2013, October 9, 10 y 11, 2013, Chihuahua, Mexico.
     Extraordinary prize: Awarded with an extraordinary scholarship by the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, for submitting the PhD dissertation before the time limit and for the quality of the dissertation, 2012, Czech Republic.
First place in the competition of postgraduate students- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, in Krakow, Poland, with the paper: Ricardo Rodriguez, Jiri Bila, Ivo Bukovsky, “Comparison of MLP and Quadratic Neural Unit for Lung Tumor Motion Prediction” Sesja studenckich Kół Naukowych - Wydział Mechaniczny PK - 27 IV 2012, Poland, April 27, 2012.

Second place in the competition for postgraduate students, STC 2012, with the paper: Ricardo Rodriguez, Jiri Bila, Ivo Bukovsky, “Comparison of MLP and Quadratic Neural Unit for Lung Tumor Motion Prediction STC 2012, March 28, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.

      Extraordinary prize: for being one Ph.D student who passed the national exam with a high score at the first attempt and finished his PhD courses on time, awarded by the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Czech Republic
      Advisor of creative project which earned the 1st place:Robotic Arm Controlled through Software for the Classification of Industrial Parts”, obtaining the first place in the internal creativity competition from Technological Institute of Ciudad Juárez, 2008, Mexico
     Advisor of creative project which earned the 3rd place in the XXIII National Creativity Event:Robotic Arm Controlled through Software for the Classification of Industrial Parts”, obtaining the third place in the XXIII National Creativity Event, 2008, Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico.  


IEEE Membership
IEEE Signal Processing Society Membership 
IEEE CS e-Government membership
IEEE Smart Grid Community membership 
IEEE Communications Society Member
Mexican Academy of Sciences
Summer of Scientific and Technological Research of the Pacific 
ACM Membership

Research ID

ResearcherID Badge: Thomson Reuters
ORCID ID:  0000-0002-4575-5082
Scopus author ID: 56794860600 

Citation index:
Google citations: citations 432, h-index 11, i10-index 11
Research gate:  citations 325, h-index 9
Mendeley: citations 238, h-index 8
WoS: 55, h-index 4

Research network

Linkedin: Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge  
Research gate:  Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge
Mendeley: Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge


Czech (basics)

Teaching certifications

Certification on the pedagogic model (2016-2022)
Certification on educative approaches focused on learning (2009-2015)
Diplomaed on learning environment design for teaching based on competencies (2014-up-to-date)
Software and operating systems skills
Programming languages: C/C++, Python, Látex, Matlab, R-programming, Java, SQL, HTML, Prolog (Logic Programming)
Statistical software:  SPSS
Math software: Maple
Operating systems: GNU/Linux
Jiri Bila's Lab (Open it in a new tab)
Machine Intelligence Research Labs
Upcoming events
Submission deadline: July 25, 2024 
Notification of Acceptance:  August 25, 2024
Camera-Ready Submission: September 10 2024
Author registration:   September 10, 2024 
Workshop and main conference dates:    November 13 – 15 , 2024 

The books of this series are indexed in Scopus, Web of Science.
The 7th  International Workshop on Intelligent Computing and Measurements  

Submission of papers: December 25,2024 
Notification of acceptance: January 10, 2025  
Camera-ready papers: January 25, 2025  
Registration & payment: January 25, 2025 
Conference date: April 9 - 11, 2025   

The books of this series are indexed in Scopus, Web of Science.  
IJDSPAIAL_flyer   International Journal of Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning

Fifth issue: International Journal of Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning (sipml.com.mx)

Submit here

Fourth Issue: Important Dates

Submission of papers: Nov 15, 2024
Notification of acceptance: Dec 15, 2024
Camera-ready papers: Dect 22, 2024

We ask authors to strictly follow the instructions for paper format, otherwise the paper will be rejected !   PDF                LATEX (zip)   

Upcoming Keynotes
Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge, Real-time adaptive model for advanced control of wastewater treatment plants, lecture series: computer sciences and their applications in our environment, Technological Institute of Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, November 17, 2024 (In Spanish).
Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge, Impact of uncertainty analysis and feature selection on data science The 11-th International Conference on Emerging Internet, Data & Web Technologies (EIDWT-2023), Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA), Semarang, Indonesia, February 23-25, 2023.

Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge, Data science and machine learning perspectives, International Conference on Intelligence based transformations of technology and business (ICITTB) trends, Canadian Institute of Technology, Tirana, Albania, October 13, 2022.
cerificate of appreciation_Rodriguez_Jorge

Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez Jorge
, Machine Learning: Challenges in Data Science Applications, Symposium of advances in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Applications Development, Technological Institute of Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, November 17, 2021 (In Spanish).
Recent publications

Rotating machinery fault diagnosis using a quadratic neural unit 2022, DOI: 10.1504/IJGUC.2022.10047657 indexed in Indexed in JCR, Impact Factor: 0.5, Q4 Elsevier.

Binary Pattern Descriptors for Scene Classification. IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 2020, indexed in JCR, Impact Factor: 0.967.

  Adaptive architecture for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery, R Rodríguez-Jorge, L Sánchez-Pérez, J Bíla, J Škvor, Advanced Informaton Networking and Applicatons, Vol 3. (2021), indexed in Web of Sciences, Core Rank B. 
Internet of things-assisted architecture for QRS complex detection in real time,
R Rodriguez-Jorge, I De Leon-Damas, J Bila, J Skvor, Journal of Internet of Things, Vol. 14 (2021), Elsevier, pp. 100395, indexed in JCR, Impact Factor: 5.711, Q1
Neural Network with L-M Algorithm for Arrhythmia Disease Classification, 2021, indexed in Web of Sciences

A Modified Version of K-Means Algorithm, 2021, indexed in Web of Sciences

Upcoming publications
Ricardo Rodríguez Jorge, A grey-box model for real-time control and monitoring , Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - Proceedings of the The 19th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2024, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, November-13-15, 2024 (Web of Sciences, SCOPUS).   
Upcoming authored book
New authored book expected to be appeared on December 2024 on the field of Innovation Engineering
Upcoming students
News: Are you interested on Social Service?, Are you interested on Professional Residence?, Are you interested on Summer of Research?, Are you interested on Bachelor's Thesis?, Are you interested on Master's Thesis?, Are you interested on PhD thesis?, please send me an email to: ricardo.rodriguezjorge.mx@ieee.org, or you can visit me at my office. Thank you for your interest.

Consultations: Monday 10:00 - 11:00, Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00, Thursday 10:00 - 11:00
Upcoming lectures
Ricardo Rodríguez Jorge, A grey-box model for real-time control and monitoring , Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - Proceedings of the The 19th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2024, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, November-13-15, 2024
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